2021, University of Michigan
English Department Steward for the Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO)
Stewards are responsible for signing up new members, communicating information about events, organizing GEO meetings within departments, and advocating for GEO members within their departments.
2020, University of Michigan
Dissertation Writing Group Leader for the University of Michigan Sweetland Writing Center
I was 1 of 20 applicants chosen from a pool of 90 to lead a small group of dissertating graduate students in writing and sharing feedback over the course of a semester.
2011 - 2012, University of Missouri
Undergraduate Research Ambassador
The University of Missouri’s Undergraduate Research Ambassadors are undergraduate students who conduct research on campus while also representing the university and the Office of Undergraduate Research at various functions and events on and off campus. For example, undergraduate research ambassadors give presentations to Freshman Interest Groups and publicly present their research at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum. As an Undergraduate Research Ambassador, I also presented research I conducted to state lawmakers during Research Day at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City. This event aimed to demonstrate higher education’s role in developing citizens and preparing a work force with the necessary skills to further the economic growth of the state, to encourage lawmakers to continue to support the University of Missouri system and other higher education institutions.